27th August 2024

Navigating the Changes: How the Autumn Statement 2024 Affects Your Finances

As we transition into the latter half of 2024, the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement has brought significant updates that could impact businesses and individuals across England. Whether you’re a business owner, self-employed, or an employee, understanding these changes is crucial to making informed financial decisions. Here’s a breakdown of the key points from the Autumn Statement and what they mean for you.

1. Corporation Tax Adjustments

One of the most talked-about changes is the adjustment in Corporation Tax rates. The government has announced a phased increase in the Corporation Tax rate to 25% for companies with profits over £250,000, effective from April 2025. Small businesses with profits under £50,000 will continue to enjoy the 19% rate, while those in between will face a tapered rate.

What This Means for You: If your business falls into the higher profit bracket, now is the time to reassess your financial strategy. Consider whether it’s beneficial to reinvest profits, explore tax relief options, or adjust your profit margins to mitigate the impact of the increased rate.

2. National Insurance Contribution (NIC) Changes

The Chancellor also announced a freeze on the National Insurance thresholds for the next three years. This means that while wages may rise, the point at which you start paying National Insurance will remain the same, potentially increasing your contributions over time.

What This Means for You: Employees and employers alike need to budget for these changes. Employees might see a slight reduction in their take-home pay, while employers will need to account for the increased NIC costs in their payroll expenses.

3. Personal Tax Allowance and Higher Rate Threshold Freeze

Another key point from the Autumn Statement is the freezing of the personal allowance and higher rate threshold until 2028. While this freeze may seem insignificant, it can lead to ‘fiscal drag,’ where inflation increases your earnings, but your tax-free allowance remains stagnant, pushing more people into higher tax brackets.

What This Means for You: If you’re nearing the higher rate threshold, you might find yourself paying more in taxes over the coming years without an actual increase in real income. It may be wise to consult with your accountant about tax-efficient ways to manage your income, such as pension contributions or charitable donations.

4. Energy Efficiency Incentives

In an effort to meet environmental targets, the government has introduced new incentives for businesses and homeowners to invest in energy efficiency. These include enhanced capital allowances for energy-saving equipment and grants for home insulation and renewable energy installations.

What This Means for You: If you’re considering upgrading your property or business premises, now is an opportune time to take advantage of these incentives. Not only can they reduce your energy bills, but they also offer tax benefits that could improve your overall financial position.

5. Support for SMEs

Recognizing the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the government has extended several support measures. These include access to low-interest loans, business rate relief for retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors, and grants for digital transformation.

What This Means for You: SMEs should explore these support options to help manage cash flow and invest in growth. Taking advantage of these measures can provide much-needed financial relief and position your business for success in the evolving economic landscape.

6. Pension Reform Updates

The Autumn Statement also highlighted upcoming pension reforms aimed at providing greater flexibility and security for retirees. These include the introduction of collective defined contribution schemes and changes to the lifetime allowance.

What This Means for You: If you’re approaching retirement age, these reforms could offer more options for managing your pension. It’s advisable to review your pension plan with your accountant to ensure you’re making the most of the available benefits and preparing for a comfortable retirement.

Final Thoughts

The Autumn Statement 2024 presents both challenges and opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. Staying informed and proactive is key to navigating these changes effectively. As always, it’s essential to consult with your accountant to ensure your financial strategy aligns with the latest developments.

At PSF Accounting, we’re here to help you understand and adapt to these changes. Contact us today to discuss how the Autumn Statement might affect you and to plan the best course of action for your financial future.